Monday, March 24, 2008

Last Puff Y'all

Here it is!!
Everybody stay clear, for tomorrow will be my first full day of non-smoker activities.
I will enjoy the fresh air without self imposed pollutants. I will be one step close to tasting that steak and its real flavor. I will be, quite frankly, crabby as hell.
One more to go, which will probably be smoked by the time this night is over. I am saving it for that special moment that I will remember so I will be able to tell stories of my last cigarette. I will tell the date, the time, the weather, even the direction of the wind as I tell my heroic tale of defeating the beast once and for all.

One more.

Who would have thought that after all this time and especially after all these "breaks" I would really be quitting for real. Or, at least, wanting to quit for real. I can look back on the other times I have "tried" to quit smoking, knowing whole heartedly that my mind, my body, and my soul was not into it. This time it definitely feels different as I prepare myself for that last cigarette, of what could be, my life.
I am actually and genuinely excited. If you would have asked me three weeks ago that I would actually WANT to quit smoking, I would have said you are fucking nuts! But here I am, wanting to finish this last cigarette so I can leave the unhealthiness and pure grossness behind me as I undertake a life of purity.
Well, pure lungs at least.
So, as the days go on and my mood changes like my girlfriend during that time of the month, I will keep posting with relents and pure emotion as I let out my frustrations all over this damn blog.
The day of reckoning as come!
I am ready and willing, hopefully able, to accept the call of nature that is hounding my soul saying that the carbon monoxide is that last straw which broke the proverbial camels back of nature.

I am gonna smoke.
See you tomorrow.
Assholes ;)


Mike said...

Good luck man! As a wise man once said, "Be the ball. Just be the ball."

Angela said...

so, how was the first day smoke free?

And, did pam read your snide comment about mood swings?? Hopefully it's not that time of the month...!

Mike said...

Who's Pam? Does your girlfriend know about her?!? :)